Human Rights Measure

Human Rights
Human Rights

The Ministry of Women Decides to Incorporate the WhatsApp [Helpline] as a Permanent Care Service (Ministerio de la Mujer Decide Incorporar el Whatsapp de Ayuda a Mujeres Como Servicio Permanente de Atención)

Date Enacted: July 2020
Country: Chile

The Minister of Women and Gender Equity, jointly with other government institutions, announced that the WhatsApp of the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity, which “offers help through silent messages to all women who suffer violence” was to be extended beyond the pandemic and “incorporated as a permanent policy.” Given that “many women have to live with their aggressors 24 hours a day” during the pandemic, and that it “has thus become more difficult to go to a police station in order to file a complaint,” this silent WhatsApp service, which is free of cost and “functions 24 hours a day,” allows women to “request psychological and legal help,” and to be put in contact with the police “in cases of danger.”