Human Rights Measure

The Cabinet has Approved the Extension of the Credit Limit Approval Period for the EXIM Biz Transformation Loan Project from 31 July 2022 to 30 June 2023
The government extended “the approval period for the EXIM [Export-Import Bank of Thailand] Biz Transformation Loan project of the Export-Import Bank of Thailand” through June 2023. The program is designed to “help entrepreneurs affected by COVID-19 [who] want to improve machines or invest in new machines and increase the efficiency of the production process [and] for entrepreneurs who are starting to recover to continue to do business with the cost of interest rates that can compete with the world market.” The program is available for “[e]ntrepreneurs of all business sizes . . . in every industry” and focuses “on new target industries . . . [and] industries affected by COVID-19.”