Human Rights Measure

Human Rights
Human Rights

Making Disability Rights Real in a Pandemic, Te Whakatinana i ngā Tika Hauātanga i te wā o te Urutā

Date Enacted: January 2021
Country: New Zealand

Several institutions including the Independent Monitoring Mechanism, the Ombudsman, and the Human Rights Commission published a report which “reflects disabled New Zealanders’ experiences of the COVID-19 emergency and details areas where the Government did well, and where improvements are needed.” The report also addresses the tāngata whaikaha Māori (disabled Māori). The information contained in the report “is largely based on information from DPOs [Disabled People’s Organisations] and the experiences of their members during the COVID-19 emergency” including information gathered at public consultations and virtual meetings that “had enhanced flexibility to enable the participation of disabled people.”