By Country
New Zealand
Show me all types of advances during COVID-19
Measure | Category |
New Zealand, Labour Market Statistics (Disability): December 2020 Quarter | Persons with disabilities |
This data “provides comparisons between labour market measures for disabled and non-disabled people in New Zealand” and “includes labour market participation and employment rates as well as differences in wages… |
Support Package for Māori Communities and Businesses through COVID-19 | Equality, Indigenous peoples |
New Zealand’s plan, including its economic package, contains provisions “to support Māori communities and businesses in the face of COVID-19” including funding “targeted directly to Māori Health services,” assistance to… |
Updated COVID-19 Māori Health Response Plan | Equality, Indigenous peoples |
The plan “builds on the progress made by the Initial COVID-19 Māori Response Action Plan and provides an updated framework to protect, prevent, and mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 within… |
Making Disability Rights Real in a Pandemic, Te Whakatinana i ngā Tika Hauātanga i te wā o te Urutā | Equality, Persons with disabilities |
Several institutions including the Independent Monitoring Mechanism, the Ombudsman, and the Human Rights Commission published a report which “reflects disabled New Zealanders’ experiences of the COVID-19 emergency and details areas… |
Joint Statement on International Access to Information Day 2020 | Civil and political rights, Freedom of expression |
“Information Access Commissioners and Ombudsmen from across Australia and New Zealand . . . released a joint statement to mark International Access to Information Day” in September 2020. The statement… |
Rural Broadband Upgrade to Boost COVID-19 Recovery in Remote Communities | Civil and political rights, Technology and digital rights |
As part of an effort towards economic recovery from COVID-19, “[t]he Government has allocated up to $15 million in savings from the Ultra-fast Broadband initiative to improve rural broadband capacity”… |
Electoral Amendment Regulations (No 4) 2020: Special Vote by Person in Isolation or Quarantine | Governance, Voting and elections |
In advance of the 2020 general election, a new regulation entitled “Special vote by person in isolation or quarantine” was inserted into the “Electoral Regulations 1996” to “enable persons to… |
COVID-19 Response (Urgent Management Measures) Legislation Bill | Housing, Social-economic rights |
Measures implemented in order to “respond effectively to COVID-19” included the temporary enactment of rent freezes as well as “restrictions on termination of tenancy.” These measures comprised “New Schedule 5… |