Human Rights Measure

Royal Degree – Law 11/2020, of March 31 which Adopts Urgent Complementary Measures in the Social and Economic Field to Confront COVID-19 (Real Decreto-ley 11/2020, de 31 de marzo, por el que se adoptan medidas urgentes complementarias en el ámbito social y económico para hacer frente al COVID-19)
Noting that the COVID-19 health crisis “is having a direct impact on the economy and on society” and that in such “exceptional circumstances . . . the political economy should be oriented to . . . help the most vulnerable,” the government put in place a decree containing several provisions relating to housing. These include the suspension of eviction procedures, extensions of lease contracts, rental debt moratorium, and a Rental Aid Program. A judge will assess whether individuals are eligible for these measures based on, among other things, need and vulnerability as well as a report from social services