Human Rights Measure

Human Rights
Human Rights

The National Policy on Radical Inclusion in Schools, under the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education “provide[s] a roadmap for the day-to-day operations of schools and the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education to ensure inclusion and positive experience for all students regardless of their status in society” including by removing “all infrastructural and systemic policy and practice impediments that limit learning for any child,” “creating an enabling and inclusive environment that eradicates stigma, harassment, intolerance and exclusion of any kind,” “increasing justice and equity in peoples’ lives and organisations,” and “emphasiz[ing] the inclusion of historically marginalised groups: pregnant girls and parent learners, children with disabilities, children from rural and underserved areas, and children from low-income families.” Among other things, the plan “defines the roles and responsibilities of government . . .  and schools in the management and coordination of each corresponding policy statement” and, “outlines the structures and plans that will be put in place to ensure that the policy is implemented, monitored, and reviewed effectively.” David Moinina Sengeh, the Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education of Sierra Leone has explained that Covid-19 “enabled” thinking about “how to do things differently, particularly for children who have been adversely affected, starting with building a more inclusive and equitable education system” and that this “inspired much of the direction and content” of the policy.