Human Rights Measure

Human Rights
Human Rights

Application for the Issuance of an Interim Order against a Ban on Assembly Partially Successful (Antrag auf Erlass einer Einstweiligen Anordnung gegen Versammlungsverbot teilweise erfolgreich)

Date Enacted: April 2020
Country: Germany

The First Chamber of the First Senate of the Federal Constitutional Court found that “[t]he assembly authority had incorrectly assumed that the ordinance of the Hessian state government to combat the corona virus contained a general ban on assemblies of more than two people, who do not belong to the same household and therefore violate the constitutionally protected freedom of assembly . . .” The decision notes that “the City of Giessen has the opportunity to decide again, taking into account the legal opinion of the Chamber, whether the holding of the [previously banned] meetings is made dependent on certain conditions or whether it is prohibited.”