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Show me of advances during COVID-19

Showing 14 matching measures.

Measure Category
Visa Extensions for Health Workers During Coronavirus (COVID-19) Equality, Migration, asylum, and trafficking

Eligibility for one-year visa extensions was granted to qualifying health workers and their family members whose visas were set to expire between April 1 and September 30 2021 and who…

2020 UK Annual Report on Modern Slavery Equality, Migration, asylum, and trafficking

Given that the COVID-19 pandemic “intensified” the work of the Modern Slavery Unit of the Home Office, steps were taken “to ensure that victims continue to have access to essential…

United Kingdom – Scotland Police Scotland – Message to Communities Equality, Persons with disabilities

Police Scotland states that it is “aware some disabled people have reported being unfairly challenged and, on occasion, abused about issues linked to social distancing and face coverings,” commits to…

Birmingham City Council Develop Communication Campaign to Support Disadvantaged Communities Equality, LGBTIQ+, Persons with disabilities, Racial and ethnic minorities

The Birmingham City Council’s Public Health Division “developed a communication and engagement campaign to further support BAME [Black, Asian, and minority ethnic], disabled and LGBT communities across the city during…

Coronavirus (Scotland) Bill: Equality Impact Assessment Equality, LGBTIQ+

The government carried out Equality Impact Assessments to consider the impact of the urgent measures contained in the Coronavirus (Scotland) Bill (March 2020) and in the Coronavirus (Scotland)(No. 2) Bill…

Home Use of Both Pills for Early Medical Abortion up to 10 Weeks Gestation Equality, Reproductive rights

In order to “reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and ensure continued access to abortion services,” the government “put in place a temporary approval in England, enabling women and…

Scottish General Election (Coronavirus) Bill Governance, Voting and elections

The “Act of the Scottish Parliament to provide for measures relating to protection against coronavirus to apply to the ordinary general election for membership of the Scottish Parliament due to…

Providing School Meals During the Coronavirus Pandemic Children, Education, Equality, Social-economic rights

Updated guidance contains provisions for providing meals during the pandemic, including among other categories: “providing meals for pupils attending school,” “support for pupils who have to stay at home,” “providing…

Free School Meals Payment Scheme Children, Education, Equality, Social-economic rights

The Communities Minister and Education Minister announced a scheme to address free meals during school closures that “will see the introduction of direct payments to families whose children would usually…

Revised Guidance for Schools in Wales: Supporting Children Eligible For Free School Meals Children, Education, Equality, Social-economic rights

“This guidance sets out what schools should do to help ensure that pupils who receive free school meals continue to be provided with access to food whilst their statutory education…

Outdoor Seating in Manchester to Become Smoke-Free Areas Health, Social-economic rights

As measures were put into place in Manchester City “following the nationwide lockdown” in order “to allow businesses to trade on pavements and roads” and to enable the reopening of…

Hundreds of Thousands More Laptops to Support Disadvantaged Pupils Learn at Home Children, Civil and political rights, Education, Equality, Social-economic rights, Technology and digital rights

As “[p]art of the Get Help with Technology Programme,” an additional 300,000 laptops and tablets, in addition to the already “700,000 laptops and tablets . . . delivered to schools…

COVID-19 Framework for Local Decision Making on Gypsy/Traveller Support Social-economic rights, Water and sanitation

This document, which aims to “provide a framework for supporting Gypsy/Traveller communities living on public and private sites, and in unauthorised encampments in Scottish Local Authorities during the COVID-19 outbreak”…

Domestic Violence: Detailed Information Equality, Violence against women

The “Domestic Violence: Detailed Information” section of the United Kingdom’s government website contains a number of different documents on domestic abuse. These include the following: “Domestic abuse: how to get…