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Show me of advances during COVID-19

Showing 2 matching measures.

Measure Category
The National Board of Health Strengthens the Information about COVID-19 for Citizens with an Ethnic Background Other than Danish (Sundhedsstyrelsen Styrker Informationen om COVID-19 til Borgere Med Anden Etnisk Baggrund End Dansk) Equality, Racial and ethnic minorities

With the understanding that “[i]t is important that everyone, regardless of ethnic background, has access to and can understand” information provided by the Danish Health Authority regarding coronavirus, information is…

Order Prohibiting Larger Assemblies and Access to and Restrictions on Premises and Locations in Connection with the Handling of Covid-19 (Bekendtgørelse om Forbud Mod Større Forsamlinger og Mod Adgang til og Restriktioner for Lokaler og Lokaliteter i Forbindelse med Håndtering af Covid­19) Freedom of association and assembly

Under COVID-19 restrictions it was “forbidden to hold and participate in indoor and outdoor events, events, activities or the like, where there are more than 100 people present at the…