Human Rights Measure

Human Rights
Human Rights

UNFPA Launches Champion Mothers Project in El Valle Regional Health Service (UNFPA Lanza Proyecto Champion Mothers (Madres Campeonas) en el SRS El Valle)

Date Enacted: December 2020

U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA), in collaboration with the Dominican Republic Ministry of Public Health, the National Service of Health (SNS) and the El Valle Regional Health Service (SRS), launched the Champion Mothers Project. This project, which provides the Elías Piña province with “equipment, materials and supplies, including 2 motorized ambulances and 6 motors,” aims to prevent and reduce maternal and neonatal mortality, strengthen sexual and reproductive health services, and improve the quality of services offered. The project was launched amidst the COVID pandemic in a context of “deepening poverty and disrupt[ion of] health services.”