Human Rights Measure

Human Rights
Human Rights

Ministerial Agreement No. 009-2020 (Acuerdo Ministerial No. 009-2020)

Date Enacted: March 2020
Country: Ecuador

The Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society, noting the country’s constitutional obligation to guarantee that public services respond to principles of, among others, universality, accessibility, and quality, issued guidelines regarding the provision of, and access to, telecommunications services during the state of national health emergency due to COVID-19. These guidelines include that “the Agency of Regulation and Control of Telecommunications will order operators not to suspend mobile telephone service and data and fixed internet for lack of payment during the [COVID-19] emergency” and that telecommunications providers should “guarantee service quality indexes and technical stability of the system, maintaining, and where possible improving, fixed internet access speeds” and “prioritize attention to breakdowns or repairs in telecommunication services that provide connectivity to health, education, and telework services.”