Human Rights Measure

Human Rights
Human Rights

Legislators Agree to Create Special Commission that Investigates, among Other Things, Harassment of Salvadoran Journalists (Legisladores Acuerdan Crear Comisión Especial que Investigue, entre Otras Cosas, Acoso a Periodistas Salvadoreños)

Date Enacted: August 2020
Country: El Salvador

The legislature voted to create a “Special Commission for the investigation of harassment suffered by media journalists due to their work and editorial line and the use of public funds against opponents.” The Commission’s mandate is to investigate, among other things, “the harassment that journalists . . . are suffering due to their work and editorial line” including in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as actions by government actors and others who “hinder and threaten the media and journalists” as well as to look into how “government structures” are “intervening in the exercise of free and independent journalism.” A report of the Special Commission, dated November 4, 2020, was presented to the Honorable Legislative Plenary Session. According to the Inter American Press Association, attacks against journalists have intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic; further, according to Reporters Without Borders, “journalists and media outlets” have faced challenges in obtaining information related to the pandemic.