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Showing 48 matching measures.

Measure Category
Indian Health Service Expanded Telehealth Services Equality, Indigenous peoples

The Indian Health Service (IHS) announced “its expansion of telehealth across IHS federal facilities” allowing “more American Indians and Alaska Natives to access healthcare they need from their home, without…

HHS Awards $15 Million to Combat the COVID-19 Pandemic in Rural Tribal Communities Equality, Indigenous peoples

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Services Administration “awarded $15 million to 52 Tribes, Tribal organizations, urban Indian health organizations, and other health services providers…

CDC COVID-19 Funding for Tribes Equality, Indigenous peoples

“As of June 15, 2021, CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] has provided $219.5 million to tribal nations, consortia, and organizations for responding to COVID-19 across tribal communities.” Of…

Indian Health Service COVID-19 Pandemic Vaccine Plan Equality, Indigenous peoples

The Indian Health Service (IHS) COVID-19 Pandemic Vaccine Plan November 2020 “details how the IHS health care system will prepare for and operationalize a vaccine when it becomes available” and…

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants Equality, Migration, asylum, and trafficking

California “is providing one-time state-funded disaster relief assistance to undocumented adults who are ineligible for other forms of assistance, including assistance under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES)…

State of our Immigrant City, Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) Annual Report for Calendar Year 2020 Equality, Migration, asylum, and trafficking

In order “[t]o address economic barriers and deep gaps in the inclusion of immigrants in COVID-19 relief and crisis response efforts, MOIA [Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs] partnered with the…

President’s Interagency Task Force, Report on U.S. Government Efforts To Combat Trafficking in Persons Equality, Migration, asylum, and trafficking

Some “key efforts” that have been taken by government agencies “in response to COVID-19” include: engagement “with local governments and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) nationwide to understand the impact of COVID-19…

Pandemic Preparedness in the Workplace and the Americans with Disabilities Act Equality, Persons with disabilities

This guidance which “provides information” about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Rehabilitation Act, and “pandemic planning in the workplace” was “re-issued on March 19, 2020, to incorporate updates…

Questions and Answers on Providing Services to Children with Disabilities During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak Education, Equality, Persons with disabilities, Social-economic rights

This document addresses “states’ responsibilities to infants, toddlers, and children with disabilities and their families, and to the staff serving these children.” Questions and answers address: obligations of local educational…

Revised Phase Two Guidance Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19): Guidance for Mass Gatherings Civil and political rights, Freedom of association and assembly

In the District of Columbia, while the guidelines prohibit “[i]ndoor gatherings of more than 10 people and outdoor gatherings of more than 50 people,” an exception to this order is:…

Order Granting Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Injunction, Johnson v. Iowa Dep’t of Pub. Safety, No. 4:20-cv-00306-RGE-CFB (S.D. Iowa Dec. 10, 2020) Civil and political rights, Freedom of association and assembly, Freedom of expression

After plaintiffs were banned “from the Iowa State Capitol and Capitol Complex grounds for periods ranging from six months to one year” following a protest, they sought “an order preliminarily…

Juneteenth Rally Planned in Madison Amid COVID-19 Pandemic, Social Unrest Civil and political rights, Freedom of association and assembly

In Madison, Wisconsin, although Juneteenth, “an annual nationwide day of celebration to commemorate the freeing of the slaves after the Civil War” was originally “shifted online due to the COVID-19…

U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM), “Lies in the Time of COVID19” Civil and political rights, Freedom of expression

“The United States Agency for Global Media and its networks have remained committed to providing accurate and unbiased information about the coronavirus, clarifying any misinformation, and exposing disinformation related to…

IPIB Information on Open Meetings/Public Records & COVID-19 Civil and political rights, Freedom of expression

According to this directive, the Governor will “continue to temporarily suspend” provisions of the Iowa Code “imposing a requirement to hold a public meeting or hearing, to the extent that…

Governor Ivey Allocates $100 Million for Alabama Broadband Connectivity for Students Civil and political rights, Technology and digital rights

“Alabama Broadband Connectivity (ABC) for Students, will provide vouchers for families of students currently eligible for free and reduced-price school meals, or other income criteria. The vouchers will help cover…

Arizona Department of Education Announces $1.5 Million Dollars to Fund Final Mile Project Civil and political rights, Technology and digital rights

“Federal relief and recovery funds available to [the Arizona Department of Education] will fund high-speed internet infrastructure to homes located in six geographically diverse rural areas of Arizona. The project…

Chicago Launches Groundbreaking Initiative to Bridge Digital Divide, Providing Free High-Speed Internet Access to Over 100,000 Chicago Public School Students Civil and political rights, Technology and digital rights

“‘Chicago Connected’ . . . will provide free high-speed internet service to approximately 100,000 Chicago Public Schools (CPS) students in their households.” The program “will provide high-speed internet for households…

COVID-19 Contact Tracing Privacy Act under House Bill 2016 (New Sec. 16) Civil and political rights, Technology and digital rights

The stated purpose of the COVID-19 Contact Tracing Privacy Act of Kansas is: “to protect the privacy of persons whose information is collected through contact tracing and the confidentiality of…

New York Contact Tracing Law: Senate Bill S8450C Civil and political rights, Technology and digital rights

The New York legislation includes provisions on: confidentiality (“All contact tracing information shall be kept confidential by any contact tracer and contact tracing entity, and may not be disclosed except…

$50 Million in Grant Funding Available to Help Students Gain Internet Access Civil and political rights, Technology and digital rights

In Ohio, “[t]he lieutenant governor announced the state will set aside $50 million of funding through the federal CARES Act to provide hotspots and internet-enabled devices to students.” According to…

Connected Beyond the Classroom Civil and political rights, Technology and digital rights

The City of San Antonio “propose[s] to build a collaborative, citywide, multi-government agency network between the City and other governmental entities to expand fiber capability and student access in San…

COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act Equality, Racial and ethnic minorities

Given, among other factors, that “[f]ollowing the spread of COVID-19 in 2020, there has been a dramatic increase in hate crimes and violence against Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders,” this law…

Health Equity Equality, Racial and ethnic minorities

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website includes a dedicated section entitled “Health Equity-Promoting Fair Access to Health” with several sub-sections including: Health Equity Considerations and Racial and…

Outdoor Emergency Shelters Add to Urgent Work Protecting People Experiencing Homelessness from COVID-19 Equality, Housing, LGBTIQ+, Racial and ethnic minorities, Social-economic rights

The City of Portland, JOIN, and “a team of providers and advocates” announced the opening of three “Outdoor Emergency Shelters [which] will operate like temporary tent villages — offering not…

Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth Emergency Grant Equality, LGBTIQ+

The Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth awarded more than $18,000 “in emergency grants to combat the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on LGBTQ youth.” Recipients included individual youths as well…

Gov. Wolf Announces Inclusion of Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation or Expression in COVID-19 Data Collection Equality, LGBTIQ+

The Department of Health of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania “has chosen to work with Sara Alert, a new data collection platform and has requested a system modification to the platform…

SB-932 (California) Communicable Diseases: Data Collection Equality, LGBTIQ+

According to this bill, “[a]ny electronic tool used by a health officer . . . for the purpose of reporting cases of communicable disease to the State Department of Public…

A Summary of CDC’s Family Planning Recommendations for Healthcare Providers Equality, Reproductive rights

Noting that “[d]uring COVID-19, it is critical that access to family planning services remains available while keeping healthcare providers and their patients safe,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…

Senate Bill 21-009 Concerning the Creation of a Reproductive Health Care Program, and, in Connection Therewith, Providing Contraceptive Methods and Counseling Services to Participants and Making an Appropriation Equality, Reproductive rights

This bill in Colorado notes that “[d]uring the COVID-19 pandemic, it is crucial that family planning services remain accessible while keeping providers and patients safe,” that “[t]he needs of various…

FDA Acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock has Notified ACOG [American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists] and SMFM [Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine] that the Agency will “Exercise Enforcement Discretion” Regarding Mifepristone though the Duration of the COVID19 Public Health Emergency Equality, Reproductive rights

The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced in a letter that it “intends to exercise enforcement discretion during the COVID-19 PHE…

Executive Order No. 202.12: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency Equality, Reproductive rights

Following policies at some private hospitals in New York City “barring spouses, partners and other family members or outside support people, such as doulas, from the delivery room,” Executive Order…

Executive Order N-45-20 Children, Employment, Equality, Social-economic rights

The Governor of the State of California issued an Executive Order with provisions to: “facilitate the continued provision of child care during the COVID-19 outbreak,” “ensure that essential critical infrastructure…

Governor Hogan Announces $60 Million Pandemic Relief Grant Program for Child Care Providers Children, Employment, Equality, Social-economic rights

The Governor of Maryland “announced that licensed child care centers and registered family child care providers are eligible to apply for Child Care Pandemic Relief Fund grants to help meet…

SAMHSA Resources and Information Health, Social-economic rights

SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) has a dedicated website on Coronavirus (COVID-19) containing “guidance and resources to assist individuals, providers, communities and states” based on the recognition…

COVID-19 and HIV Health, Social-economic rights

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has produced a number of guidance materials on COVID-19 and HIV/AIDS. These include, among others, a list of questions and answers in…

Secretary Perdue Announces Proactive Flexibilities to Feed Children When Schools Close Education, Social-economic rights

This announcement addresses student access to food during the pandemic including through “proactive flexibilities” that will “allow meal service during school closure to minimize potential exposure to the coronavirus.”

Senate Bill No. 117, Chapter 3 An Act Relating to Education Finance, and Making an Appropriation Therefor, to Take Effect Immediately, Bill Related to the Budget Education, Social-economic rights

This California bill addresses “Education finance: average daily attendance and timeline waivers: protective equipment and cleaning appropriation.” Among other measures, the bill would: “prevent the loss of funding related to…

H.R.1319 – American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Social-economic rights, Water and sanitation

The law contains a section entitled “funding for water assistance program” under which funding “is appropriated to the Secretary of Health and Human Services . . . for grants to…

Chairman’s Eighth Set of Orders under G.L. c. 25, § 4B Social-economic rights, Water and sanitation

A letter from the Chairman of the Department of Public Utilities of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts addressed to, among others, “the investor-owned water distribution companies . . . regulated by…

Directive Implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 Providing Measures to Limit Foreclosures, Evictions, and Disconnections from Service Social-economic rights, Water and sanitation

According to this directive from the governor of Montana, “no business or political subdivision of the State supplying . . . water” among other utilities, “for use, in whole or…

Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Utility Shutoff Moratorium Through June 30, 2021 Social-economic rights, Water and sanitation

In this executive order, the governor noting that “many New Jersey residents continue to experience financial hardship as a result of the Public Health Emergency, which may hinder their ability…

Pandemic Response Accountability Committee Governance, Rule of law

The Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC) was allocated $80,000,000 in the “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act,” also known as “the CARES Act’’ to “promote transparency and support oversight…

Recycling and Sustainable Management of Food During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Public Health Emergency Environmental justice, Governance

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a website that provides “tips and reminders” as well as resources from the EPA, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Department of…

IPIB Information on Open Meetings/Public Records & COVID-19 Civil and political rights, Freedom of expression

According to this directive, the Governor will “continue to temporarily suspend” provisions of the Iowa Code “imposing a requirement to hold a public meeting or hearing, to the extent that…

Affordable Connectivity Program Civil and political rights, Technology and digital rights

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is an extension of the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) which provided “a temporary discount on monthly broadband bills for qualifying low-income households,” including “[u]p to…

New Hampshire Emergency Rental Assistance Program Housing, Social-economic rights

The state of New Hampshire put into place a range of programs including: the “Emergency Rental Assistance Program” to provide “assistance to eligible residents of New Hampshire who cannot pay…

State of New Hampshire Emergency Energy Assistance Programs Housing, Social-economic rights

Through the “State of New Hampshire Emergency Energy Assistance Programs,” funding of 35 million USD was made available “for emergency energy assistance for New Hampshire residents . . . to…

United States v. Allen, 34 F. 4th 789 (9th Cir. 2022) Governance, Rule of law

The Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reviewed a district court decision that, “at the height of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, prohibited members of the public from attending…