By Country
Show me all types of advances during COVID-19
Measure | Category |
Multisectoral Strategy for the Protection of Indigenous Communities in the Health Emergency of COVID-19, Decree 1489 (Estrategia Multisectorial para Protección de los Pueblos Indígenas u Originarios en el Marco de la Emergencia Sanitaria por el COVID-19, Decreto 1489) | Equality, Indigenous peoples |
Peru’s Decree 1489 sets out five actions to protect and care for indigenous or native communities within the framework of the COVID-19 health emergency in the areas of: health response,… |
Superintendency Resolution No. 000170-2021-Migrations (Resolución de Superintendencia No. 000170-2021-Migraciones) | Equality, Migration, asylum, and trafficking |
Accounting for various “limitations and measures” due to the “state of health emergency declared by the Peruvian State due to COVID-19,” this measure contains provisions including: extending “the term of… |
Legislative Decree No. 1468: Legislative Decree that Establishes Prevention and Protection Provisions for Persons with Disabilities Facing the Health Emergency Caused by COVID-19 (Decreto Legislativo No. 1468: Decreto Legislativo que Establece Disposiciones de Prevención y Protección para las Personas con Discapacidad ante la Emergencia Sanitaria Ocasionada por el COVID-19) | Equality, Persons with disabilities |
This legislative decree aims to establish prevention and protection measures for persons with disabilities in the face of COVID-19 including by incorporating the perspective of persons with disabilities in all… |
Ministry of Culture: Preventive Messages About Coronavirus Reinforced in 10 Regions with Afro-Peruvian Populations (Ministerio de Cultura: Se Refuerzan Mensajes Preventivos sobre Coronavirus en 10 Regiones con Población Afroperuana) | Equality, Racial and ethnic minorities |
The Ministry of Culture’s informational campaign is directed at the ten regions of the country with the highest Afro Peruvian concentration, given their heightened vulnerability in the face of COVID-19…. |
Supreme Decree that Extends the State of National Emergency due to the Serious Circumstances that Affect the Life of the Nation as a Result of COVID-19 and dictates Other Measures (Decreto Supremo No. 064-2010-PCM, Decreto Supremo que Prorroga el Estado de Emergencia Nacional por las Graves Circunstancias que Afectan la Vida de la Nación a Consecuencia del COVID-19 y dicta Otras Medidas) | Equality, LGBTIQ+ |
Following an initial decree (Supreme Decree 057-2020, April 2, 2020) that permitted only one person per nuclear family to leave the house for designated reasons (the purchase of groceries and… |
Supreme Decree No. 044-2020-PCM (Decreto Supremo No. 044-2020-PCM) | Social-economic rights, Water and sanitation |
The “Supreme Decree declaring a State of National Emergency due to the serious circumstances that affect the life of the Nation as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak” (No. 044-2020-PCM)… |
Municipality of Lima Initiates Implementation of Network of 46KM of Temporary Bike Paths (Municipalidad de Lima Inició Implementación de una Red de 46 Km de Ciclovías Temporales) | Environmental justice, Governance |
The Deputy Management Office of Non-Motorized Transport of Lima began implementation of a network of temporary bicycle lanes in the municipality of Lima “to contribute to social distancing” given the… |